Your vote matters, and we want to reward you for helping to support our shard. By taking just a moment to cast your vote for UO Strange Earth, you're not only showing your support for our community but also unlocking exclusive rewards just for you!
Here's how it works:
Cast Your Vote: Head over to our Luna Vote stones and cast your vote for UO Strange Earth. It only takes a few seconds, but it makes a world of difference to us!
Receive Your Vote Token: After casting your vote, you'll automatically receive a special vote token in-game. This token is your ticket to unlocking fantastic seasonal goodies and exclusive rewards.
Spend Your Tokens: The exchange stone is going to be located in the center and is dressed up to look like a gold pillar. With your vote token in hand, you can redeem it for a wide range of exciting items.
One Vote Per Household: Please note that our voting system is restricted to one vote per household, as it is tied to IP addresses. This helps us ensure fairness and prevents abuse of the system.
Thank you for being a valued community member of UO Strange Earth and for supporting our shard. Your votes help us grow and thrive, and we couldn't do it without you. So don't wait – cast your vote today and start reaping the rewards!
The following links will allow you to vote from outside the game. Do note that vote tokes will not be awarded through this method. If you wish to receive tokens, please vote from within the game client.